There are many children who don�t have coats or warm clothes. By sending an Internet Snowball you will help those children who are less fortunate. Out of each snowball that is sent a portion of your payment will be used along with others who purchase an internet snowball to buy kids warm clothes and coats to ward off the cold weather. Also if you have a certian charity who specalizes in keeping the less fortunate clothed then please email us with their name, address, and phone number and we will contact them to see what we can do about helping them with their efforts.

Do you have any idea how many people ... ESPECIALLY youngersters ... who don�t know what snow is like? They have never had the chance to build a snowman, sled down a steep hill or even the simple joy of hurtling a handmade snowball across the yard at their dad as he tries to scrape the ice from the windshield of the car.

Well I can assure you that the numbers reach into the millions.

What if you had the chance for you youngster ... or even you for that matter ... to have the chance to throw that snowball????

Sure you would. Well, we here at Nalley Brothers have come up with a way where you can do just that. Times are changing though, and even there is no substitue for cold, wet, easy to pack snow that has freshly fallen, you now have the opportunity to throw that snowball to anyone you want.

Have a special someone that is a little far away? Have a college student that has left home to pursue the knowledge of the great phliosophers? Or is there someone that just needs a good pelting with a nice frozen snowball?

We are sure you can find someone that could use an Internet Snowball. All you have to do is select what kind of snowball you want to send, mail us a check for $4.00 and your friend, loved one, ok... ok... we know... ENEMY, will be pounded through their email with just the right snowball you have selected. We encourage you to take your time and carefully select the best snowball for your needs. Remember this snowball is coming from you and you can either collect the benifits or reap the revenge.

For the time being our service will be on the honor system. What that means is that when you send us a check we will immediately send your snowball to whomever you choose. We are currently working on setting up payment methods for those of you with a credit card. And for your protection we ask that you post date your check for 10 days from when you send it by snail mail. This way you have the opportunity to cancel the check if you find that we do not get around to sending your snowball. The snail mail takes aproximately 2 to 3 days so your email should be sent no later than 5 days from when you send the check.

Here is the address to send the check:
Nalley Brothers
4620 Lake Haven Dr.
Chattanooga, TN 37416

Please make check payable to NALLEY BROTHERS.

Also include the below form that you can clip, paste to any word processor, print, and fill out making sure that you include the email address of the individual you want to recieve the Internet Snowball.

Name of Snowball Sender:___________________________

Name of Snowball Recepient:_________________________________

Email address of Snowball Recepient:____________________________

(please recheck the email before you mail this form)

Please circle which type of Snowball you would like to send:

I Love You Snowball

I Am Lonely Snowball

Need A Pick-Me-Up Snowball

Enemy Snowball

We at Nalley Brothers would like to take just a minute and thank all of those who have sent a snowball. You have given many kids the happiness of being warm in this season of cold. THANK YOU ALL !!!

It is our hopes that we will be able to send out over 1 million snowballs before the year 2000. So keep sending those snowballs.

To send your personal snowball click on the link below to take you to the snowball selection page and thank you for trying out this new service.

In the meantime why not check out the link below to get your own 20MB of free webspace?

Email me on:
[email protected]